Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Immolation - Wolf Among the Flock

I am a wolf among the flock. What I mean by this is that there are maybe five or six people here that I know of that listen to any type of metal and the rest of the people here listen to either like dubstep or crappy rap. It would be one thing if they listened to like good rap such as most old school hip hop but they all listen to like Wiz and all of young money, so basicly trash. Guru and Wu Tang Clan are so much better than the trash rap that is circulating now. Anyways back to immolation, this song represents how I stand out in the crowd that is Douglass.

Death - Spirit Crusher

Given the blog name, I felt it necessary to include a legendary band, that band of course being Death. These guys in my opinion paved the way for most of the newer Death Metal bands, and that just might be a plain fact but im not entirely sure. They deffinitely paved the way for that trash avenged sevenfold by creating an amazing riff in this song so that a7x could steal it in years to come, that band is such trash a stolen riff from the amazing Death can't even make it sound good. School would literally be impossible for me to get through without metal, so all I can really do is thank these guys for what they started. Most important of all. R.I.P Chuck Shuldiner, you have and will forever be missed. This man's death was the true falling of a titan and or a Metal God.